Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Motorbike Photo

2007 (must have missed this year)



Elliott Heads Camping 2009

The "motorbike photo".
I try to take this photo every year. It started with just Sarah and then there was 2.

This is what you get when you buy a 50c cup of food and go into the goat pen.....

Something a bit more sedate....

And finally a lovely day at the beach.

Out of the 7 days we were there we had 3 lovely sunny days. We also had 9" of rain in 24 hours. Amazingly our tent only had a little bit of water in it. It was just a pity that the ground was so boggy.
We all still had a good time and we are looking forward to next years.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Bunya Nut

Look at the size of that thing!


This is what it looks like.

This is what's inside.

Steve brought home a bunya nut, the kids peel it, we cooked it up with too much salt. Now we don't know what to do with it. LOL.
Cheers, Kat

The Bell Show

Laura's first time on a jumping castle.

She loved it!!!

Sarah's an old hat at it!!!

Our two beautiful girls.

We went to the Bell Show yesterday. The kids had a look at the cattle, played the "Duck Game", and had lots of turns on the jumping castle.
We've decided that we're going to a different towns show next year.
Cheers, The Berlins

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lory Lou Lou

I was looking back through my blog posts when I noticed that I need to add some current Laura photos, so here they are.......

Laura was having a ball playing with the kids on the other side of the glass.

Just Jazz

This photo was taken on Sarah's first day of Jazz Ballet. She was so excited, we even had a demonstration of some dance moves when she got home.

Our little girl is growing up (waaayyy to fast).

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sarah's First Day of School

Sarah has been really excited about going to school. Everyday for the last 2 weeks she has been asking me, "Do I go to school today?" Finally the day has come. Although today she told me that she doesn't want to go to school. I asked her why and she said that people will laugh at her, again I asked why. Because I'm short.....LOL. Poor darling, it's just the start of being short....

Here she is, in her uniform and ready to go.

Now for some family shots......

Sarah at school, enjoying playing puzzles.

I am very proud of Sarah. She didn't worry when I had to leave, she just gave me a hug and went and sat on the carpet like the teacher asked.
That's my girl!!