Friday, April 25, 2008

Visit to Laurel Bank Park

Laura's first taste of sausage.

Mickey and Minnie statues at Laurel Bank Park

Laura, Sarah & Kirra

We visited Laurel Bank Park to meet up with my friend Jo and her fiance, Anthony. We finally got to meet their new little girl Kirra. Kirra is now 3 months old, so it has taken us a while to catch up with them.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sarah's First Fish!

Sarah was really excited to go fishing with Daddy.
Steve asked if she would like to touch the bait......"No thanks", she said.
Holding her fishing rod like a pro....??
First fish (after a couple of crabs had nibbled off the bait)
Hooray for Sarah!!! (The fish was let go, of course)

Camping Holiday 2008...Part 2

My beautiful girls at the beach.

Sarah and her friend trying to fill up the moat with water. Didn't really work as the water would drain away between buckets. Funny to watch, though. LOL.
The sandcastle......looks more like a smiley face. :)

Camping Holiday 2008

On our way to Elliott Heads (20 mins south of Bundaberg), we stopped at Kilkivan for lunch. We have done this almost every year for the last 4 years. I have taken a photo of Sarah on this very same "motorbike", although back then Sarah pronounced it "mat-ta-ta-ta-ta".
This cheeky little bird came right up to us and practically ate Laura's lunch off the spoon as I was feeding cheeky!
A petting zoo in Bundy, can't quite think of the name of it.....

Had to add this photo......I don't think she enjoyed sitting on the straw.......

Together at Last

Easter 2008

Sarah teaching Laura how to play the piano. Very cute photo, slightly out of focus......must teach Steve how to use camera.
Sarah being a fantastic big sister!

Laura, Updated Photos.....finally :)

Laura Lousie - 9 months
Laura was watching her favourite person......Sarah. Yes, alas, it is not her mother. :(

Love this photo of Laura, really shows off her blue eyes.

Laura is "commando" crawling at the moment, occasionally she actually crawls but this is quite rare. Could have something to do with our slippery floors........

Laura has 2 bottom teeth through (Jan 08) and is currently cutting her top 2. The left is through and the right is starting to make it's way down. Oh, joy! LOL.

Sarah, Updated Photos.......finally :)

Helping Daddy water in the new bulbs.

Not too many Sarah photos. Most of my photos have both girls in them.

Sarah has finished her first block of swimming lessons before the school holidays. I am very proud to say that she can put her "whole body" (as Sarah puts it) under water and can even take a breath to get to the other side. Her next block will start in October so let's hope she won't forget what to do.

Sarah is still doing ballet and looks just as cute this year as last year.......not that I'm biased. ;)

She enjoys Kindy and is looking forward to starting Prep next year (and so am I).