Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

These photos were taken by my Dad. A job well done!

I tried taking some but my hands weren't steady enough. Maybe by 2011, when the next lunar eclipse happens, I will have a tripod. One can only dream.....

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sarah's 4th Birthday

I am 4!
Hip, hip....hooray!
Can't quite believe that my "little baby" is 4. Before I know it she'll be in school. Where does the time go???

Friday, August 24, 2007

Bath Time!

Bath time is fun when..........
You share it with your sister!

First time in Cot

Our Sleeping Beauty.

Laura slept through the night last night. Let's home it's start of many more!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

6 Week Check

Hello All

Just thought I'd update you on Laura's progress.....

Weight: 4990g (11lb)
Length: 55cm
Head Circum: 36.5cm
Health: all ok

Cheers, Kat

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Smile! :)

Sarah Kate - 2mths
Laura Louise - 5wks

My beautiful happy girls!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Sarah Baby Photos

Sarah Kate - 10 days

Thought I'd put some Sarah photos on so you can compare.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Laura Photos

Laura Louise - 3 days old

Smush face

Ahh, bathtime - 5 weeks

Sarah & Laura - 3 weeks

Photos from my Sister's Wedding

Sarah was just adorable. She sat very still while the hairdresser curled her hair and sat even stiller while the make up lady put on some blusher and eyeshadow. So cute!!

Our Family of 4

Our family of 4.

Big Sister Sarah is just gorgeous and loves her Little Sister Laura. Sarah is a great helper and even entertains Laura while I get things done. Laura is a good baby and loves her sleep. Thank goodness.

First Blog

Hello All and welcome to the first Berlin Family blog. Please excuse my inexperience, I shall try my best to make it interesting.

I have mainly started this blog to post pictures of my family and give brief updates to those who are interested.

So my first piccie is of my new family of 4. And before you ask.... we do not intend to have any more. LOL.

Now I just need to work out how to post a picture.....????